Opportunities to Pray
As we focus on prayer this month, we want to press into Jesus’ way of praying and be trained by Him. We’ll have a variety of opportunities to do so: in groups and by ourselves, in our church building and around the city, on Sundays and throughout the week. We’ll finish the month with a church-wide fast during the final week. Here’s a list of opportunities to pray:
Sunday Mornings
We’ll spend extra time in our meetings this month praying together and praying for one another.
Small Groups
All of our small groups will be praying through the Lord’s Prayer together in their weekly gatherings.
Weekly & Monthly Prayer Meetings
Our regular weekly and monthly prayer meetings will continue in January, and we encourage you to join as many of them as possible!
Wednesday Prayer: our staff and elders gather on Wednesday mornings at 9:15 at the church building to study the Word and pray together. Anyone is welcome to join us!
Friday Ladies’ Prayer: several women from Christ’s Church gather on Friday mornings at 7:30 to pray, usually in a home. Call or text Lynn Korman at (417) 483-9825 if you’d like to pray with them.
Prayer & Fellowship Night: our monthly prayer and fellowship night will happen on Wednesday, January 15, from 6-8 PM. We’ll pray together for the first hour and then enjoy snacks and fellowship for the second hour. (Childcare will be provided for the prayer portion of the meeting.)
Saturday Morning Men’s Prayer: men will gather to pray at the church building on Saturday, January 18 at 9:00 AM.
Saturday Morning Women’s Prayer: women will gather to pray at the church building on Saturday, January 25 at 9:00 AM.
Church Bells Text Reminders
During the month of prayer, we’ll be sending out text reminders that serve as calls to pray every day at noon. Churches of old used to ring their bells to call believers to prayer through the day, and we hope to do something similar with these reminders. If you’d like to be included, text bells to (417) 222-2412, and you will be added to the list.